Car finance agreement



Hello-I'm looking for some help on behalf of my Dad. He has been off the road since May and the garage he bought the car from (on car finance) tok the car back and have it for sale in their forecourt for the last few months. However the car finance payments are still going out of his account monthly. The garage has told him that he won't be able to cancel his payments until the car is sold. I can't understand this and my Dad won't push the issue as the garage in question are a 'friend' of the family. They even suggested that he get a sick cert from the doctor stating he is suffering from depression so that insurance will cover the car payments!
Could anyone advise on my Dad's options? He could really do without this.
The garage is just selling the car for your dad, the finance agreement is not with them its with a finance co. as for a sick note if your dad has payment protection insurance it takes more than a common cold b4 that kicks in lol.when the garage sell the car they pay the finance co.and if there is any money left over your dad may get some depending on what he agreed with garage.
As above the finance agreement with be with a bank organised through the garage but they are not involved in it.
I have attached a link giving info on hire purchase agreements which is what he will have.

He could speak to the bank with a view to reducing/stopping payments for a few months but it is doubtful they will agree.

If he has PPI (payment protection insurance) that will cover payments but it is only for specific illnesses/unepmloyment etc so it will depend on if he has this and what is wrong with him.
Has he advertised the car for sale himself in local paper,websites etc.
It will be difficult given the current climate and the abundance of cheap second hands.

Sorry its not better news.