car destroyed without me knowing



I was building a rally car and changed the engine but then the+ whole car needed to be rewired and i was not able to do this so i left it at a friends house who could do the job.My friend however was having a dispute with his landlord because the landlord was charging high rent and would not fix or do anything with the house i.e there was a pipe busted and mushrooms started to grow on the friend then decided to move out but he still had the keys of the house for another three months so he sorta still had rights to the house.he dealed in fixing cars and had a scrap one at the house and my one was there and awaiting to be move but my friend was waiting on a trailer to come but the scrap car was ordered to be removed from the house by my friend and when the scrap dealer was collecleting the car the land lord arrived and told him to take away my car aswel maybe to just get back at my friend.The car was then taken and crushed.The car was valued around 10,000 euro amd the landlord was a rally driver aswel so he knew the value of the car.I have sent him a soilisters letter.Does anyone think i have a case??
Legally speaking, you entrusted your car to a mechanic who undertook to fix it. (the fact that the mechanic is a friend of yours is irrelevent). You didnt get the car back, so the mechanic is responsible for compensating you.

The mechanics premises problems with his landlord do not involve you. Its up to the mechanic to claim against his own landlord for his losses (including compesating you) if he thinks that the landlord is responsible for these losses. Your friend may also have a claim against the scrap company as he ordered them to take 1 car only and they did not follow his instructions?
ned - how did he still have rights if he moved out -- was he continuing to pay the landlord ??? On the basis that he was he has a case against the landlord,ut you have nothing to do with the Landlord - your case is against your ex-friend. And if was doing the jo FOC, don't hold your breath for Compensation, in my opinion.
Sounds like cs is right.

Your mechanic had the car how he lost it is not really your problem.

Mechanic where is my car or my 10k?

Next post please use some paragraphs makes it easier to read the post.
my soilister says the judge might look in my favour and i am also sueing the mechanic
Have you asked to solicitor how much this would cost you in legal fees if you procede?
If not, perhaps you should.