Car Damaged



I was woken up at 5.15am this morning by 2 adults fighting outside my house, One had a shovel and the other nothing, They were circling around my car, and the one with the shovel took a swipe at the other guy and hit our bonet, We got a new car last week 07 Zafira, The bonnet needs replacing, The garda were called and i didnt notice the mark, The garda didnt do anythin, So i noticed the dent on the bonnet when i went to pick my daughter up from playschool, I rang the garda and they sent someone round str8 away but they can only pass it to the 2 original officers as its there call. they wont be back working till wednesday, Now i know the name of the bloke with the shovel and where he lives, Do i go around and tell him the damage that has been done and tell him I expect him to pay for it, or do i leave it up 2 the garda?
Not very nice. I take it the Gardai took details at the scene, so also have details of who the person is. Given that this person has a penchant for wandering around with a shovel at 5.15am(!), I would be inclined to get the Gardai to make the contact.
Same thing happened my mate, young lads fighting and dented his car. it was all caught on CCTV and Gardai called. At the end of the day he had to pay for damage and the Gardai were as good as useless in following up. Hope you have a better result.
Well, in fairness, I would not be too happy to shell out for a new bonnet, especially as you know the person involved. If the Gardai do not intervene, how confident would you be speaking to the person directly? Only you would know their history.

It is interesting what Davy said about Gardai being useless, I sometimes find in incidents such as this, the outcome depends a lot on the particular Garda assigned to dealing with your case. Just like everyone else, some are very good at their jobs and will follow through for you, some do not.

I really hope it goes well for you. Horrible after only getting a new car.

If you do happen to confront them, to borrow one from the great Mr. Moore, "D'ont forget your shovel".
I went over the the bloke and before i could say anything he said hes really sorry and will pay for any damage, He also said his mate is a panel beater and could sort it out, but there are some deep scratches so will have to wait and see, I think i scared him as im a big guy and hes well not as big, I had my mean face on he he :mad:
Ty all for your replies.