Car damaged at Shannon Airport


Registered User
On Saturday night a relative returned to Shannon airport (approx 11:30pm) after a weeks holiday. When loading the luggage into the car he noticed that someone had banged into the car while it was in the car park. There is some body work damage around the fuel cap area.

Given the time late at night it wasnt reported and they drove home. Needless to say the nice person who did the damage did not leave any details.

Is there any recourse here? Are Shannon airport liable given the high cost of parking at Irish airports.
I'm pretty sure Shannon like Dublin & others have a nice disclaimer about this sort of damage. I've never heard of anyone getting satisfaction out of scenarios like this.
Apart from the likely disclaimers at the car park, how would you prove the damage happened there?

On a loser, I'd say.
This must be one of the most dispicable acts anyone could do - hit another car and drive away without leaving details, unfiortunately it's becoming more commonplace as we leave "Old" Ireland behind. It happened to me a couple of years ago with a brand new car, whold side taken off and of course it just happened by itself.

I would make a written complaint to Shannon airport and make sure you file a report with the Gardai, this is hit and run and of course breaking the law - Criminal Damage.

One time I was parked in Shannon airport and came back to my car to find another car against my front bumper, the driver obviously hit it but was so thick that they didn't even pull back from it but left their car right against mine, I left a very polite note;) (with my mobile number in case they had a problem with my comments) and went on my merry way. The Gardai (or at least they said who they were) rang my mobile a couple of weeks later asked what the problem was with the car parked up against mine that they had someone drop in to complain about my note, I explained the situation and that if the "other" driver wants to make it official I'd be more than happy to, to which I go the reply "oh that won't be necessary" !!!! Wonder who owned the car ?!:)
I'd ring and write to the Airport Authority and Shannon Garda Station and report the damage. I'd also request that they review their carpark CCTVs - to help them narrow down their search give the location in the car park.
Thanks a lot for the feedback. I too agree that it is a low act to damage a car and drive off.

I somehow doubt they would review a weeks worth of CCTV (assuming they have cameras in the first place). If it had been myself I would not have left the airport without making the authorities aware of it.

I will give the airport a call and ask how they handle such a scenario
I'd say you're wasting your time with the airport Police; my wife's car was stolen from Dublin airport 7 years ago and the response from Aer Rianta and the Airport Police was disappointing. I made some inquiries about my legal options through a family member who is a solicitor and I was advised that I'd be wasting my time and money. You are parked at the airport at your own risk entirely.
Re: Car damaged at Shannon Airport/ferry

Rather than starting a new thread, can I ask this question here, as it's related? What happens if your car is damaged by another car while on a car ferry? Let's say you open your door and hit the car parked next to you, denting their door? Does the car insurance cover this or is it another situation because it hasn't happend on the road? Thanks.:eek:
The disclaimer at the airport is essentially to cover the airport, not to cover drivers from each other. You see the same in retail car parks, but I know of a case in a retailers premises recently where minor damage was done to a customer's car without the culprit realising it, and the gardai arrived at the culprit's door within a week having reviewed the video evidence from the retailer.

As long as you are not implying the airport are at fault, and you are only looking for evidence of who the other culprit is, they may view the request sympathetically.

One possible problem though ... in the retailer's case, the owner of damaged car was away from the car for (max) a half hour, so not much tape surfing to be done there. There is potentially 1 week of video tape to review to get to the bottom of your relative's case, so it may be a lost cause, given the effort required.
I've had two cars damaged in car parks in scenerios like this. Very annoying and its expensive to get even minor stuff fixed these days. In my case the CCTV cameras didn't have enough resolution to see number plates or recognise people driving so I got nowhere except waste my time.