Car Charging from terraced house


Registered User
Hi - it's been suggested I add a new thread to ask a question I initially asked here.

Has anyone any experience with solutions for home charging where you have no off-street parking, but have a dedicated space in front of the house?

I've seen two potential solutions mentioned online:
  • A charging arm - the cable delivered to the car from the above, the arm swings over the payment up high
  • Cable on the ground covered by anti-trip solution
I don't like the likely cost of the first one, and the second one comes with a certain amount of liability if someone trips on it. So it would be good to hear if anyone has proceeded with either, or has experience or advice on either.
Can you feed the cable from an upstairs window ? Or from a hook fixed at sufficient height to your front wall.
If you can you could buy or make an upright pole with a section at the base that you drive the car wheel over. These are used at car dealers to display an advertising banner. Anybody with a welder could make one up very easily.