Car broken into


Registered User
Car broken into the other night in Dublin.sat nav stolen and kids car dvd player.(both hidden) not covered with car insurance.anyone know where to find another car dvd player.(not argos )
Hi cleverclogs,

Sorry to hear about your break-in, that happened to me also not so long ago. The scumbags took a sat nav, ipod and the service history (guards said not to worry about that, they probably only took it because it was in a wallet and they thought it might have been something else!). Like yourself, they were all hidden in the glovebox, the car next to mine had his rear window broken and his boot ripped open - just goes to show that even if nothing is on display it doesnt deter these 'people' anymore.

The worst thing though is the mess made, even today I'm still finding glass in the car even though it has been hoovered at least 3 times since then!!

Anyway, have you tried Currys, Maplins or Halfords? I would imagine either one of them may sell in car dvd players.

Also, are you sure your not covered by insurance? I didnt think I was but it seems that they will cover you for €200 personal effects - doesnt cover the total loss for me but its better than nothing! I'm fully comp with Allianz.


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thanks.yes called quinn direct and they said no.not covered.the guards said the day before,a car was broken into in the same location and then set alight.more angry about the car dvd player as santa got it for the kids .i'll check the stores you mentioned.thanks