Car broken into laptop and personal belongings stolen


Registered User
Today I brought my girlfriend into the University in Limerick and parked the car in the staff carpark. Walked into the building with her to go the accademic office and came back in literally 20mins and the back door window was smashed and her laptop and bag of personals including a hairstraightner hairdryer make-up and designer clothes were gone. The thing is that the laptop was covered by a coat and had 10 DVDs ontop of it was on the backseat on the passenger side and the bag of personals was behind the drivers seat. The window that was broken was the rear door window on the drivers side so obviously the thief spotted the bag not the laptop. There was other valuable stuff in the car that wasnt touched like my cd player (€500) 10 dvds my jacket(although it was searched for a mobile and wallet) tools. The car has an alarm and it did go off, campus security came and the gardai came but they didnt offer much hope. I am only 19 and my insurance premium is high enough and dont consider it an option as I hav just recieved 2 years no claims. I have windscreen cover and wonder if it will cover the window in the door? If anyone has any advice on a way of replacing the stolen items please let me know
My advice is weigh up how much it would cost to replace the stolen items against increase in premiums. Bear in mind the premium increase will be spread over a few years.

Alternatively, call your insurance company for advice. You can talk to them without registering a claim. Ask them about procedures, what you can claim for and how that may affect your premiums if you were to stay with them next year.
the glass should be replaced by insurer without affecting NCB .

personal effects are covered under SOME policies but with small limits and these are limited to YOUR personal efects. Has your GF her laptop covered under her house policy for ALL RISKS?