Car broken into AGAIN

Nothing yet thank goodness. I've taken to coming in an hour earlier and getting a "better" spot on a busier street. Lord knows how long i'll keep getting up in the pitch dark though. Paranoid every evening going back to the car. Still, twice in 3 years isnt too bad in this town i guess. Hope i haven't cursed the car for this evening now. Dont want to have to start a new thread like this all over again - abused from every angle!

Bad state of affairs having to leave an hour early to protect your personal belongings.. tut. Wouldnt it be great if there was a device that we could fit to our vehicle and its lets off savage static shocks once touched when activated. he he. I work across from a garda station... and can see my car from my window.. the fun i`d have with traffic wardens and such...
