Car battery removed overnight


Registered User
Bizarre, my son's 2001 car was broken into in the drive overnight, drivers door lock jimmied some odds and ends removed, loose change, torch that sort of thing, no valuables showing in the car and believe or not their main target was the car battery !!, turns out 5 cars in my immediate area had their batteries stolen overnight, when I made more enquiries I actually found somebody I know that had 3 alloys removed from a Laguna with a neighbour of theirs having two alloys removed overnight last week.

Seems it is lucrative to steal alloys, melt them down and sell as scrap metal on a per tonne basis, assume the tyres may find their way to new owners, now it seems car batteries in older cars area target which the Guards told me were being broken up for the lead value in the battery.

These incidents occured in Naas, anybody else hear of similar ?, I've googled but cannot locate anything...and by the way I replaced the battery with a better one from a breakers for €20....hardly the crime of the century but a massive inconvenience when you go out to start your day you expect your car to start etc ...
Sorry to hear this. I would imagine requiring a photo ID for selling scrap with the potential of charging scrap merchants with handling stolen goods would curtail this. Or do we not do this already?