Car badly scraped whilst parked?


Registered User
Might be a silly question but is there anything I can do?

Contacted the gardaí anyway who want to have a look. Don't think there is much else I can do about it I suppose. No CCTV around the street. Might call into neighbours I guess to see if they saw anything?

Ripping obviously anyway.
Contact [broken link removed].

Doubt that will do much good:

"Where the offending vehicle is not identified there is no provision in the 1988 or the 2004 MIBI Agreements to recover losses for vehicle or property damage. The 2009 Agreement introduced compensation for vehicle or property damage against an unidentified vehicle where there are significant personal injuries arising from the same accident."
Raging for you Caveat - nothing worse

If i done it I would leave my details there, but i am probably one of few unfortunatly.
Was it scraped maliciously, or scraped by someone else's parking?

My sister had her jeep scraped in a shopping centre car park, someone reversed into it and drove off, unfortunately the CCTV did not cover it, so she just had to leave it.

Sorry to hear that, perhaps the neighbours saw it. Have to say, like Manto, if I did it to someone else's car, I would not drive away, but even a relative of mine, bumped someones car in a shopping centre car park and tried to drive off. I could not believe it, but he was caught because he did not cop that there was a lady in the passenger seat and he quite rightly got an earful as well as had to pay up.
My brother damaged his own car and his insurance covered it, so it might be worth a try. He had protected his no claims bonus.
Feel your pain Caveat, someone reversed into my car over 12 months ago, had to pay almost 700 euro to have it repaired.
Was it scraped maliciously, or scraped by someone else's parking?

No, very much doubt it was malicious. A glancing 'clip' from a passing vehicle or more likely, trailer I would say.

... perhaps the neighbours saw it.

Checked with neighbours - no luck. I couldn't have done this to anyone either. I would have left a note.

Anyway, not the end of the world. Damage isn't 'terrible' in the cold light of day. A few hundred to put right though I'm sure.

Thanks all.