Car adverts - delivery and related charges extra


Registered User
I hate the way they can tell you a car costs €x, yet then say at the end "delivery and related charges extra".

Why should they not be forced to tell you the absolute minimum price on the advert. No point telling you its available from €x if its not, after all no-one can avoid delivery charges, can they?
Also dislike the way they advertise a car for €12000 but the car shown in the advert is the sport model or similar which actually costs €16000. Its always in tiny writing in the top corner
I have recently written to the Asai about these exact ads and am awaiting a response , I will letyou know of the outcome
Different dealers in different parts of the country will charge different rates. If they all agreed a charge it would be called price fixing.
I'm speculating but it's possible VRT (maybe even the top rate of VAT) isn't charged as these costs are separated from the car.

If simply built into the car price, then our needy friends in the revenue may look for a little more. And therefore the garage would need to charge customers even more to maintain current margins. (Enough have closed to indicate that margins probably aren't as lucrative as they once were.)

I'd be wary about forcing the garages to simplify the pricing without fully understanding the implications.