car accident



I was Involved in a rear end smash this week, the other persons car was a write off and the car I was driving was badly damaged. the other party has admitted liability

I sufferd shoulder and arm pain since and constant headaches, I also drive as a rep for a living and already feeling very nervous about going back to work next week. it's had a big inpact on me.

I got a call from the other persons insurance company on friday, they said they could send out someone to settle a claim, what should I do? and what price do you put on this situation. loss of earning and in pain etc what would be a fair amount? and does it take a long time to settle?

would appreciate your response
I think the best advice would be to take 6 months or so and see how your injuries settle down. The insurance company will be keen to settle sooner rather than later as this would normally reduce the cost to them. Have you had your injuries assessed by a medical practicioner? If not, this would be a good place to start.

It is nerve wracking getting back into a car after having an accident, but in my experience, it's best to get on with it sooner rather than later.
Thanks for your reply. I went to the hospitial after the accident. but left with pain killlers as nothing was broken. I may not have any bones broken but have a bad headache and pain in my arm and shoulders, and generally not the best
Firstly I'm not a doctor nor do I have any medical qualifications. I am only speaking from experience but I think your headaches may be caused by tension from the pain in your shoulders. You have possibly pulled muscles due to tensing during the impact of the crash and as all your muscles are basically "knotted" this is causing the pain in your neck and up into your head causing your headaches. Maybe go to a physio who may recommend massage or some other form of therapy. Don't let it go untreated. Good Luck.
yes... think I should go to my Gp.
And thanks (advisor) you may be right as to why I have the headaches

bell bell,take my advise and get a good solicator in the same situation myself and without him we would have been screwd..first thing monday make it a priority,trust me you will be thanking me down the line..
My best friend recently got an award for a similar type of accident. He and his girlfriend were in a car stopped at lights and were hit from behind. The other driver admitted responsibility.

My friend suffered a quite serious whiplash injury and 2 slipped discs. His girlfriend got away more lightly.

The insurance company put huge pressure on them to settle but my friend wouldn't, at least not immediately, as he thought their offer was less than fair. At the time he felt they had undervalued his car which was written-off. Little did he know at the time what he was about to go through on the medical side.

He lost a lot of his time over the following years in pain and going to specialists, having surgery in Ireland and abroad. His livelihood as a self-employed contractor was seriously impaired for at least 5 years after the accident. He had problems which only manifested themselves a year to 18 months after the incident. Other discs in his spine started to be damaged by the strain of having to take-up the load which the 2 originally slipped dics would otherwise have done.

The long and the short of it is that after more than 8 years he finally got an out-of-court settlement this Summer. The now ex-girlfriend settled a few years ago.

My friend remains in serious discomfort/pain even now, nearly a decade after the crash and faces a future of similar problems which the award cannot cover.

Before his accident I would have been of the belief that claimees in such accidents were 'trying it on'. After all I had a similar accident and apart from some discomfort for a couple of weeks I recovered and did not claim for other than the damage to the car.

Since I've seen what he's been through I'd caution anyone involved in such an accident against settling too quickly. At least see a specialist and get an MRI done on your back.
As a fellow Rep I can agree that a situation like this can nearly be heart stopping. I cannot begin to count the many many near misses I have been in from spending most of my week on the roads. Most people would think it is bad driving but if you spend up to 45 hours a week(excluding face time with customers) with the engine running then you are likely going to have more near misses than 9-5 office/factory workers.

I have also been in a head on collision a few years back so I can empathise.

Now, there is the state appointment "Injuries and Assessment board" for this matter.

Make your enquiries here about what information is required and how to claim. There are now set fees payable to claimants for certain injuries so gone are the days where the dollars signs would be flashing on your retina.

You may not wish to use the assessment board and may wish to pursue directly taking legal action against the other individual which can be a long and drawn out process.

My mother in law just settled(2 weeks ago) with a shopping centre management company after falling over some wiring in the car park and damaging her wrist and not working for 11 months. She received 15k settlement out of court.(before fees).

I do not agree with taking people for a ride though. I do not agree with the idea of claiming for monies that is not deserving. I had a hotel front door damage my thumb two years ago and was out of work a month. Commission lost etc but never sued them because it was the wind that caused the door to close on my hand. The injuries assessment board said they could sue them and after around maybe 8 months get me 1900 after fees. I took the free weekened in the penthouse with anything I charge to the room free instead.