Car Accident Repairs - query on how to settle privately.



I was involved in a not-my-fault accident and the other party accepts liability and wants to settle privately. I have received 2 estimates for repairs and I have booked the vehicle in to get it fixed in a few weeks time. Expected cost is approx £750 + VAT.

There were no injuries.

I have informed my insurance company that the other party wants to settle privately.

Should I get the other party to give me written statement or agreement now which confirms that they have agreed to meet the costs ?

Exactly what should it say ?
Can anyone suggest a template for a private settlement ?

What do I do if they don’t turn up to pay once the vehicle has been repaired ?

Thanks for any suggestions.
Also, get a complete quote from the garage to include VAT.

The VAT rate can vary between parts and labour.
As OP seems to be UK-based and this is an Irish site, any advice should be treated with caution.
The principle is the same regardless of jurisdiction. The OP can't reasonably be expected to contract the repairs without prior payment by the other party.

The function of the written estimate is to identify the cost of repair, not to give an indication of intent. It is at this point that payment should be effected if the matter is to be kept outside of a formal claims process.
Make sure you recieve payment before you book the car in for repairs. Get a detailed quote and pass it onto the other party. I was involved in a "not my fault accident" that the other party wanted to settle in cash rather than go through his insurance but changed his tune when it came to handing over the readies. You have reported the accident to your insurance company and have the other parties insurance details I take it?
Thank you everyone for your advice.

Yes, I have informed my insurance co. but I don’t know if the other party has done the same, but my insurance co. confirmed that the other party was at least insured (determined from Veh.registration number).

I will present the estimate / quote to the other party and see how I get on.

Any advice on what I should do if the other party dithers when presented with the estimate or does not make payment before the scheduled repair date ?

Thank you again for your suggestions.
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Also to be considered is a statement to the effect that the money if received in full and final settlement and that no personal injuries were incurred. Just so no one can make a claim for anything else down the line. Each party to have a copy and sign it.
Thanks NiceOneTed. I will prepare a receipt that states "settlement in full with no injuries etc".

Can anyone else advise on this aspect please:
... what to do if the other party dithers when presented with the estimate or does not make payment before the scheduled repair date ?

If The Other Party Dithers then proceed to lodge a claim aganinst his insurance. You Insurance company will best advise how this is done.
The other party settled in full with payment direct to Bank A/C, 1 week in advance of repairs, for the amount stated on the quote provided by the repairer.

I have provided a receipt to them.

Thank you all for your suggestions along the way.
Now shop around and see what the garages will do the repairs for as a cash job...worth a try you may get the price of a meal out of it. Least you deserve after doing all the leg work.