car accident query


Registered User
I have a cople of questions regarding a minor accident..

1. If Person A ,while driving along, suddenly brakes for no reason other than lack of familiarity with the car, and is rear ended by person B, is person B completely liable for all damages?
2. If both persons A and B only have 3rd party insurance,what would be the positions of the insurance companies in respect of both cars?


Q. 1 - Person B is completely liable.
Q. 2 - Person's B's insurance pays to fix Person A's car, cover expenses, etc. and Person B has to cover the loss of fixing their own vehicle themselves.
Car accident query part 2

In reference to the above query, as person B is the named driver on Person C's insurance, could person A claim off person B's insurance for the reparations to car A, and could person C claim off their own fully comp insurance for repair to the damage to the car driven by person B ?

Apologies for the longwindedness-the names have been changed to protect the guilty...

No. Person C cannot have damage done to the car driven B paid out under their policy unless they have comprehensive driving of other cars which is unlikely.
Just a general comment - things aren't always as black and white as this. Normally, a driver who runs into the rear of another car is at fault, but it may not always be the case. It will depend on the overall circumstances.
Car accident query part 2

why would person c need to have fully comp on any car other than the one that was damaged? it is this car (Driven by B) which c want to claim off their own insurance..

why do you think they would be able to claim for a car that is not insured by their motor policy?
C holds the fully comp insurance on the car driven by B,who is a named driver on C's policy.Can C not claim against their own insurace to repair their own car,for which they are fully insured?

And.. if so, can driver A then make a claim off driver B's insurance for the dmamge to driver A's car?
