car accident - not sure what to do??



Hope this is in the right place...
About 3 weeks while my car was parked and I was at work, a woman reversed into my car and did some small damage, she left her first name and number on the windscreen....

I rang her, agreed I would get a quote for damages and call her back, when i got the quote i rang her and told her it was €540, she said she'd ring her insurance company and get back to me, 3 days later no reply so i ring her, she says she's driving and will call me back, 3 days later no return call i ring her she doesnt answer..

Next day I ring her and leave a voicemail, couple of days after that i ring and she answers saying she's been a work hasnt rang her insurance company yet, i push her on the matter and demand she gets a move on, she says she'll ring the next day, that was a week ago and still nothing from her.

This weekend I reported it to the gardai but as they weren't called to the scene nothing they can do except give her a call, the gardai left her a voicemail about the situation 2 days ago and still no response from her.

All I have is this womans 1st name and phone number, is it worth the financial cost to contact a solicitor?? should i ring my insurance company and give them her details?? basically has anyone any idea how i should proceed to get my car fixed and the situation resolved?

Thanks in advance!

My advice, FWIW. is try to contact her once again, whether it be via VM or direct contact, and let her know that fundamentally she is guilty of leaving the scene of a motor accident. Ask her politely is she interested in coming to a settlement agreement, if not then you have no option but to place the whole matter in the hands of your insurance company.

Should get a reaction of some sort or other???
Have you asked if the Gardai could trace her using the mobile number?