Car Accident - Need Advice



I was in a small car accident and i repeat very small car accident yesterday.
What happened was, it was very busy traffic a van in front of me had started to reverse and as a result of this i needed to reverse, i looked behind me, saw nothing and reversed but had not seen a black mazda to my right. I completely accept responsibility for this.
At the time we got out of the car and the 1st thing this man said to me was "ur gonna pay for that", I found this very strange but i apologised and said i would incur any charges to get the few scratches and small dent fixed without going thru insurance and we did not call the guards, i didnt feel it was serious enough, and i just took a picture of the damage. Also there was no damage done to my car at all. We exchanged details and he said he would get an estimate to me.
Yesterday evening he got back to me and told me that the estimate to get this car sorted was going to be €1069.00.
I felt that for the damage that was done to the car that this was outrageous so i did ring my insurance company and they said they would do an assessment of the damage but there might not be much they could do.
I feel outraged as my good intentions to fix what i had done are being totally taken advantage of.
Is there anything that i can do???
If it were me I'd let the insurance company sort it out. I'd have no further dealings with him and if he contacted me I'd refer him the the insurance company. Also you should never admit liability.
You'd be very surprised how much these little tips can cost. Someone tipped into my mothers car a few years back and it was only a small tip. Dent and paint damage. She took it to the garage were she bought the car and the damage was nearly 900e.

Last summer I tipped into a car and I mean tipped it so lightly it cost me 160e. There was an inch in length of paint damage.

Best of luck. It's a horrible feeling when it happens. Twice as bad if you feel like you're being stung.
I tipped a car from behind last year .... NO visible damage ...... It cost me 1600 euro ............Insurance company checked it out and discovered that 1100 euro was labour costs in garage , but they were unable to reduce the bill...........

The invisible damage was to a plastic floor under the boot !