car accident- need advice, please



I was in a minor car accident a few days ago. No one was hurt. The other driver claims I broke the light. However i was stopped waiting for the light, when it came on ,I moved off and he came into the side of me.
My insurance company is denying liability as is his. To complicate matters he is a taxi driver, and his boss was screaming for a claim from the word go, talking about loss of earnings. It's still early days,his ins. co. hasn't officially denied liability yet. but if they do what options do I have? My ins. policy was only third party, fire & theft. I just want my car fixed, but now i'm afraid they are going to make a big deal out this to see if they can get compensation. What should I do?
Did anyone witness the accident?? Did you take any witness names??
No I was very shocked when it happened, so I didn't think to stop anyone, and no one came forward.
Try putting an ad in a shop close to where the accident was seeking witnesses.
It's a pity you didn't think to get the name of the person in the car behind you, they would have been stopped at the lights too.

But at that point you weren't to know that the lights would become a factor.

It might be worth putting up a sign on the traffic light (if that's allowed). Odds are the motorist in question drives by there regularly.

Also worth checking if there's any CCTV in the area. Even one of the shops.

If you really did stop at the lights then don't let this go or be intimidated. If you accept a claim on your policy you will be poaying for this for a long time in higher premiums.

I previously worked in the claims department of an Insurance company so hopefully my advise will be useful to you.

If you really believe that you were not at fault contact a solicitor immediately and get him to issue a letter of claim against the taxi driver ( I presume a reasonable amount of damage was sustained to your vehicle). If this ultimately goes to court , it will not be to your benefit if you say you were not at fault but were the last to intimate a formal claim. So i would suggest that you get in there before the taxi driver does.

In the absence of witnesses the outcome will likely come down to whose evidence the judge accepts. Even if the light was green in your favour when you pulled off from a stationary position , you should have entered the junction with caution and checked for oncoming traffic. Would it have been possible for you to see the taxi approaching.? If so you may be held partially responsible for continuing into the junction without due care.

Hopefully all will go well for you and if it is of any comfort Taxi drivers have notoriously bad reputations with both Insurance companies (even if it is their own policyholder) and the courts.
thanks ronan,

I have already put in a claim with the other drivers insurance co. do I also need to go to my solicitor? My ins. co. said there was no need.
do I also need to go to my solicitor? My ins. co. said there was no need.
As a famous lady once said, well they would, wouldn't they? Your insurance company stands to win if you end up with a lower no-claims-bonus or a loading on future premiums if a claim materialises on your policy. You need to protect your own interests. Don't expect your insurers to do this for you. They, most likely, will suit themselves.
The important thing is that you have submitted a formal claim against the Taxi driver. If you actively pursue your claim for the damage to your vehicle it wont do you any harm. Its just that if you sit back and do nothing it may look like the taxi driver was in the right if he also pursues his claim. Were there any passengers in the Taxi?. If not as long as you are not a total gouger on balance a court may tend to believe your version of the incident over the Taxi drivers. As i previously said you wouldnt believe the poor reputation taxi drivers have.