Can't travel due to illness- will insurance cover partner due to fly also?


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My friend is in a tizzy. he is due to fly to Australia tomorrow but is unwell. He has insurance and will probably re-book a new flight in a few days when hopefully he will be feeling better. In general will insurance cover a spouse due to travel with you also? Wife wanst to wait for him obviously.(I have advised him to check terms and conditions and he's looking for same).
Would apprediate any quick advice.
... In general will insurance cover a spouse due to travel with you also? ...
The general pattern is irrelevant. What matters is the particular policy that your friend's wife has. It's really a matter of fishing out the policy document and reading it carefully.
Totally depends on the policy .. I'd guess it quite probably won't cover, but you'd need to read the policy doc or ring the insurance company

Also you'd have to define feeling unwell .. I would imagine that to be covered you'd have to have a doctor certify that you're unfit to travel .. so if your friend hasn't done this he would need to do so today.