Hi all,
Heres my situation. Working in software development, based temporarily in northern ireland. Travel daily up and back and the team is small enough, 8 of us.
5 weeks ago, booked 1 week and 1 days holidays starting next monday, im travelling away down the country in ireland with some friends.
We had a project review last week and it was decided that as the workload is increasing as we near the next deadline we are to stay up here overnight on weds and thurs nites in order to work late, this pi$$ed me off, im fed up on this project as it is.
My social life and spare time is at a minimum, i hardly know my other half. Weve all made huge sacrafices, partner and myself are FTB's and weve had to go through the whole process with one of us absent for most of it, as it is viewing properties consist of herself and her dad and a digital camera. all meetings with EA's and banks is done by her as much as possible.
However, this is fine, expenses more than cover it, were pretty well compensated, money only goes so far though...
My problem is that my manager said to me, look its my job to ask you will you not go on holidays as we need you here for the week after the deadline (my week away).
Now if I had booked a holiday abroad, i would be flying out and they wouldnt be able to ask me this, but because they all know im staying local, then i potentially wont lose the costs of flights etc, however, my mates have all booked off the same period and we only do this once a year, is it really his job to ask me to not go on holidays?
Some background:
There is no formal way of approving holidays in my company, we simply submit a holiday request form but never hear back if it has or hasnt been approved, we just take it that if we hear nothing then it is approved.
Now where do i stand that 1 and 1/2 weeks before i head off, my boss is asking me not to go, on one hand i dont want to just up and leave responsibilities behind, but on other hand i really want AND NEED this break.
its at the stage where i hate coming into work each morning just thinking about it. Were all behind on our deadlines as the clients own part of the development team keeps constantly changing the design environment.
Im so close to asking him to remove me from the project and send me back to Dublin, i dont want to jeopardise my future in the company, but i feel ive already sacraficed enough to travel to and from work up here, everyday since march this year.
Im beginning to not be able to stand some of my colleagues as the pressures build, there are 7 weeks left up here however and if i can get this week away, ill happily suffer on through last 6 weeks when i get back.
I probably sound like a moan, but having never been in this situation before I need your advice/thoughts.
thanks guys.