Can't stop spending

I think your problem is boredom, rather than over-spending. You seem to have gotten into a rut where you get your highs by spending and acquiring things rather than experiences.

You mentioned the possibility of making your own clothes. There are some great courses starting in clothes/jewellry design now. It would get you out of your rut, and provide a creative outlet for you. You may end up spending money on beads/fabric, but who knows you could end up selling stuff!

The 24,000 is before tax. My take home salary is about 22,200. Got a bonus of €1200 yesterday.

Just a few things Strawberries, same experience as several other posters, for my first job out of college I gave myself a year's free rein to fritter if I fancied. Time-bounded, as soon as my first year was up I set up a savings scheme which took about 10% of my takehome straight out of my salary at the start of the month so I would get used to it. But it was a pleasure and an indulgence to give myself that year of carefree enjoyment of my income. I didn't abuse it, but I didn't have anything close to €3800 to show at the end of it! I think you are being a little hard on yourself. Yes wasteful spending is not to be encouraged but you are hardly living beyond your means. By all means look seriously now at what you intend to do with your income over the next year, but you haven't wasted your income this year, you should have enjoyed it. Ephemeral maybe, but as you didn't go overboard or run up huge debts, it is okay to enjoy spending money that you can afford to spend, you are not obliged to scrimp and save when you don't have to. €3800 is approximately 20% of €19000, seems like a pretty healthy savings habit to me.

I would disagree with your mum on rent being dead, while it is definitely preferable not to pay it, it is not dead. You are paying for the use of a place. The question is, is the cost of it worthwhile?

On the other hand, your boyfriend's approach to finance seems to be something I would be a little more concerned about if I was considering moving in with him. If you do decide to, then lay the ground rules clearly in terms of rent and common household expenses. You do not want to be the one paying for his lifestyle.

Why are you bored? You have a new job, a good income, a boyfriend, other friends (I assume ), a supportive family and your health. What is it you need? You are the only one that can answer that. Perhaps instead of worrying over your ability to only save 20% of your income you should turn your mind to that question. Resolving the boredom will give you less reason to shop, if the reason you shop is because you are bored.
I love buying clothes and things. Love shopping. Makes me happy.
The happiness, or buzz you get from shopping is short lived and then you will be hit by feelings of guilt. Hence the need to post on this site for advice. Only you can actually stop kidding yourself and spending beyond your means. There is an underlying cause for any addiction and shopping is an addiction and a serious one. I know some people think it is funny... You are going to have to engage in other activities that make you happy all legal and wholesome! You are young but that excuse only lasts so long