Cant get SKY+ in my apartment



I've just discovered today that my apartment block communal SKY digital dish isnt wired and wont be wired for Sky+. Is there any other way I can record Sky Digital?

Well obviously ''SKY'' is out of the option i think. But you can get Cable tv, it has all the same stations that sky has only it comes under the ground. So no wind will move the signal like when it blows the dish off centre.

OK after rereading the post i see that u wanted to record it. Well we used to have sky and we used a pc to recodrd it. WinTV PVR is a PCI card to plug into your pc and you can connect the sky box to the pc.

A DVD Recoreder should work too if it has a scart input on it. and also a VCR. And if none have scart plugs/sockets you could buy an RF lead. That's how i did it anyway.