Cant get onto internet with laptop?


Registered User
I have had no problems with my laptop and getting onto the internet, I have broadband and wireless connection.
For the past two days I have only been able to get onto about 2 out of every 5 websites. And now today it is saying the same thing 'This page cannot be displayed' I have checked all my connections over and over again, and obviously my internet connection is working in the house as I am writing this on my home pc,
It is so frustrating - does anyone know what it could be.
At the bottom of my laptop screen it says that the wireless connection is connection, and that the signal is excellent.
I am totally bewildered with this.
It could be any number of issues.. I don't think he needs to be scared just yet.
Common issues:

- IP address configuration
- NAT not setup correctly (ie. the wireless is on a different subnet to the DSL)
- DNS not configured correctly

There could be any number of other issues
I wasn't scaremongering - I was merely pointing out that it's worth checking for such nasties and protecting against them. In my experience the vast majority of internet connectivity problems that arise sporadically are due to such problems and people not correctly protecting against them.
Maybe, but if he can't access the net he won't be able to download any software anyway.
Most spyware / malware will try to do weird things to your connection, but you will still have a connection.
They can surely download the required software on the working desktop or another connection and then install it on the laptop. The connection is working but only sporadically according to the orginal post (2 out of every 5 sites working) and this is sometimes a sign of infection by parasites, browser hijackers etc.
While it may be nasties...

Have you either recently installed a firewall or raised the security on any firewall that you may have? Any time Ive seen this behaviour it was due to this. I can recreate this behaviour on my laptop at home by doing same an any number of security tools.
Time to capitulate, Clubby. A f/w is a waste of resources on a properly configured home/SOHO PC attached to a properly configured network.

BTW, I am familiar with the definitions of a/v and f/w. The question of 'why' was not answered. You are getting sloppy.