Can't Get Online!!


Registered User
Hi, can anyone help. I bought Irish Broadband ripwave last week and from the day I got it I can't get online unless it's early in the morning or really late at night.. Never when I actually want to use it - like 6 in the evening.. Is there a signal booster I can buy for the peak times? Cracking up with frustration here!!, I live in Walkinstown by the way, close to the main Drimnagh/ Walkinstown rd, if that helps..
I don't think a signal booster will help you in the case ( but I'm open to correction)
It sounds like the contention ratio is too high. So the times you are failing to log on would be the 'peak' times

Do you turn it off during the day or leave it running? Have you tried logging on in the morning and leaving it connected.
But this is just a temporary solution becuase any day that the signal goes does you mgiht not be able to connect again in the evening.

I would suggest that you change your contract and move to a contract with them with a lower contention ratio. this will cost more. ( assuming that you have to stay with them now for 12 months?)
Not great reviews about it here on I'm afraid. Did you get a 30 day return package so you can get out before its too late ? As stated you gets what you pay for unfortunately.
Thanks guys,
I have a 28 day cooling off period. Would you recommend switching to another company? If so what's good out there - not too expensive tho.. as I only use in the evenings,
Thanks a mil,
I have been using Ripwave for the past 2 months in Cork. Irish BB's service is patchy at best. One day I can get online with great speed, the next day it is so slow and drops out. I will tell them to get rid of it after my 6 months lockin.