Can't find the server


Registered User
When I try to access
I get the message:
"Firefox can't find the server at"

This also happens to me when I try to access other sites where Candidate Manager is used such as
[broken link removed]
I have the same problem if I use Internet Explorer.

However, anyone else I have spoken with can access these sites on their PCs. So, the problem appears to be on my PC only.

If it helps, my operating system is Windows XP Home and I am using Zone Alarm (I am using the free version, 6.5.731.000) as a firewall.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks
Works fine for me in FireFox too. Have you run checks for spyware and other possible infections? See the "clean PC" sticky thread at the top of this forum. What happens if you open a DOS command shell (Start -> Run -> cmd.exe) and type in telnet 80 type in anything, and hit return a few times?
You should try running a few more anti-virus and malware scanners to see if they detect anything else. Can you access any other sites at all?
I now have no problem in accessing those sites where
Candidate Manager used.

I can't explain why I could not access the sites for a
week, including last night before I went to bed and
then, without making any changes and without even shutting
down, I can access the sites. In other words, I can't be
certain that the problem will not re-occur.

liteweight, who is your ISP? I ask because one person suggested
to me that my problem might be caused by a freak combination of
the settings on my PC and that on the modem supplied by my ISP,

But before I contact Magnet, I would like to know if any of
their other customers have experienced this problem.

To answer your earlier question, during the period when I experienced a problem in accessing the sites where Candidate Manager is used (DIT, Wyeth, Bristrol Myers Squibb, etc.) to handle job applications, I had no problem in any other site.