Can't access MooneyGoesWild Web Cam


Registered User
Can't access the web cam in the Blue Tits nest even though I have Real Player. Have tried everything I know (not much!) and it just won't work for me. Has anyone any idea what's wrong - I'd be very grateful. It was mentioned on the Radio programme yesterday and lots of people are able to see the birds flying in and out of the nest. Here's the link - which doesn't work for me

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Can you be more specific? What happens when you click on the "Inside the nest ... Click here to watch live" image to start the video?
MugsGame - When I click on the link, Real Player appears with Live1 beside it and the circle of rotating lines around "Real" but that's as far as it goes. Are you able to access it?
I accessed it today and could see the bird sitting in the nest but it seemed completely still. However when I maximised the pic I could see the bird moving its head. It did not leave the nest during the few minutes I spent watching.
Got it! Don't understand what's up with Real Player but have seen a Blue Tit flying in and out of the nest several times. Amazing sight. Should be even more interesting in about 10 days when the eggs hatch. Shows that bird parenthood is very hard work.

After a lot of fiddling around with no success, found that clicking on Content in Real Player and then ticking Manual and then Tell Me More brings up the Web Cam. Don't understand why that works but it does.
There are nice recordings of the dawn chorus that can be accessed from this page...if just audio will do.

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