Can't Access email Links.

Lex Foutish

Registered User
My computer is only a few months old (Dell) and is high spec. However, when I'm sent an email (Windows Mail) with an internet link. I cannot access it by clicking on it. I get a box tellin me "Application not found." I have to right click on it, save it to Favourites and access it that way. If I have it sent to my gmail address, I have no such problems. It has been suggested to me that the problem is being caused by my Norton Anti-virus. Does/did anyone else have a similar problem? Any advice would be much appreciated.
What web browser do you use? Try resetting the default browser to Internet Explorer and see if that sorts it out. Start Internet Explorer and click on Tools and Internet Options. In there click the Programs tab. Near the bottom there is an option to reset IE to be the default browser. Close out of IE and then open your e-mail and try another link.
Loads of threads on google , doesnt seem to be many firm solutions.

Just don't use Windows Mail, which is from Microsoft......stick with Gmail or similar. (PS I would say hotmail as well but MS have broken that for me since their new all-singing all-dancing rubbish "Live Hotmail").

Anway, as regards "I have to right click on it, save it to Favourites and access it that way".............can you not just copy the link as text and paste it into a browser (preferrably Firefox)?