Canon 270 EXII Flash Gun not flashing wirelessly


Registered User
Yesterday I got a Canon 270 EXII Flash Gun yesterday for my Canon 600d and cannot for the life of me get it working wirelessly.

Works fine connected to the camera, but when I try and use it as a remote flash it triggers the camera to take the picture, but does not flash when the picture is taken.

I have followed the settings but am wondering am I missing out on something here? Any one has simlar issues? According the the make, the camera should trigger the flash when connected wirelessly.

Any help greatly appreciated.
Do you by any chance have the mode dial set to 'A' (Automatic)?

The 600D has an integrated integrated Speedlite transmitter, but you have to turn the camera mode dial to one of the "creative" modes (P, Tv, Av, M or A-DEP) to avail of the full range of menu options. Wireless flash control is not available in the other shooting modes.
Apologies all, thanks for replies will look those up. Thanks for help. Thanks DrMoriarty, will check settings when I drop home later. Thanks for link vandriver!