cannot view youtube videos



Hi All,
My IT reputation is on the line so Iam looking for some help.
A friends PC windows xp home edition, no viruses etc. Mcafee installed.
PC willnot allow viewing of videos through youtube. I can view videos i.e. I did a test through media player. Bebo will allow videos to run. Ihave switched off windows fire wall to no avail. I have set privacy settings in browser to low. Flash is installed correctly falsh 9. Has anyone seen this issue, any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
seen this before, think its a problem with the flash plugin, try deinstalling/reinstalling flash
seen this before, think its a problem with the flash plugin, try deinstalling/reinstalling flash

Definitely sounds like car is right However, some videos are only viewable through a registered account on youtube. But i had the problem before and i reinstalled flash and it worked.