Cannot get into my Yahoo! email


Registered User
I cannot get into my Yahoo email. Keeps saying password invalid. Its the same password that I've been using for years. I got a text message with a number which still does'nt help. What am I suppose to do with this number? Any help please.
Your account may have been hacked. There have been a couple of known vulnerabilities in Yahoo security. Go to the Yahoo login page and click "I can't access my account". (Have you already done that to get the text message you got?). Do you have any other mail account that you used as your "alternative" address when you signed up for Yahoo?

Whenever you get back in, have a look at your account access history. One form of hack usually involves a mobile login from a strange location, followed immediately by an online login.

Hopefully you don't keep any sensitive information in mails stored in your account. If not, all you have to do is change your password and keep going as you were.
Can I change password without changing email address? Where do I do this?
Go to the Yahoo login web page (e.g., click the Mail link and when prompted to login click the link that reads "I can't access my account". Follow the instructions from there.

It's not clear from your post whether you're using Yahoo mail online in a browser, or from a mail client like Microsoft Outlook, but either way you need to follow the above instructions in a web browser.
It says secret question is locked so must wait until tomorrow evening to try again. Thanks a mil for your help. Hopefully it will get sorted then. I'm using mail online from browser.