cannot find draughtsman for pavement dishing planning permission



apparently planning permmission (which requires architect's or draughtsman's plans) is needed to dish a pavement in dublin city council area. No draughtsman we've contacted seems interested in taking this on. We live in D 12. Would anyone know of architect or draughtsman who has done such work in the past?
could you highlight a few more details of what you are trying to do - ie is this a new entrance to a dwelling house across an existing footpath? Depending on the complexity of the location, location of existing services etc. the job may require input from a traffic engineer.
I know in South Dublin there is a specific form you fill out but no drawings are required as its a standard detail. I would have assumed Dublin City would have had a similar approach
I know in South Dublin there is a specific form you fill out but no drawings are required as its a standard detail.

Same for DLR CC.

As far as I am aware (or at least I have never come across it), planning permission is not required to dish a pavement (but this work must be carried out by the Council). Planning permission is required to make a new vehicular entrance or to widen an existing vehicular entrance.

If you widen or make a new vehicular entrance without planning permission the Council will not dish the pavement to, in effect, facilitate the unauthorised development.

Maybe the OP could elaborate on what they are looking to do and/or what they have done already? Possibly the Council were suggesting you needed to make an application for retention permission (and have permission granted) for a new/widened vehicular entrance before they will consider dishing the pavement?
The procedure (including planning requirements for new dishing) for Dublin City is laid out [broken link removed]. Being in D12, the OP needs to comply with this procedure.
I don't imagine the drawings required for this need to be all that detailed.

See [broken link removed] for the guide on how to apply for planning permission with links to document templates/samples.
Thanks for posting that Leo. That's a new one on me! This certainly does not apply to other Dublin Coucils (yet).

From reading the content of the link, and reading between the lines, this requirement would appear to be a means of possibly catching people who have made new vehicular entrances without planning permission! I note the 7 year time limit in terms of use/exemption (i.e. outside of statutory time limit for taking enforcement action?).
No problem, I think it was only introduced within the last couple of years. Up to then I believe it was just a single application form.