Cannot afford bank loan repayments



I have a bank loan, amount outstanding €17k. (No security requirements)
I cannot afford to make the weekly payments at this stage.
If I stop making payments what will the bank most likely do? I don't own a house, so have no mortgage.
How will this effect my credit rating for the future?

Thank you.
If you do decide to stop paying, even a small amount, the bank will have it marked on your credit report for 5 years after you clear it.

My advice is to contact the bank and explain your situation.
surely this will not be sustainable over the long term - if so many thousands of people are not credit worthy for more than a decade, it will stall the whole economy. I know of hard working entrepreneurial folk who could start over and even generate tax and jobs and yet are stuck between a rock and an unpayable mortgage. And we may see an increase in this sort of thing before it gets better. Its a shame and I wonder how we can redeem ourselves to show that we are and were in fact credit worthy once, but that it was global conditions which forced our hand?
Sure widespread tarnished credit reports are not sustainable for the population but the glaring fact are a lot of people are in trouble in this country and with the noose of personal debt, negative equity, more taxes, less work - does it really matter that much?
A fair chunk of the population are stiffed for years to come anyway.

Remember when driving license points were brought in?
First nobody had any, then before you knew it everyone you know has a few. After 3 years the points go away.

Credit Rating Reports are the same, except take 5 years to go.

If you decide to stop paying them anything they will do a lot more than mark your cards in the credit rating agency.
Pay something.

Suggest you wander over to the threads concerning Judgements and Court procedures involving Debt. Given the general feel of what banks are like these days, it won't surprise you when they keep pushing and take it to the next level.
But do your best and lay it all out for them to see. Don't spoof. Don't expect a miracle from the bank but being honest I found gets you a better standing with a bank than lies and expecting a deal from them.
Time to eat humble pie unfortunately. Is there anything more degrading than stooping to a bank?
I remember when my bank used to give me a bottle of wine at christmas for my custom. Ohh how days have changed.
Karen B, might I suggest you head to the Money Makeover section here to see if we can perhaps offer some advice overall?

I did this myself a few years ago when I was struggling and the advice was second to none. I'll be happy to give you any tips I can on saving and cutting back on household bills, etc.