Cancelling/freezing gym membership

Happy Girl

Registered User
Joined gym in Dec agreeing to one year membership. I have run into difficulties with my knees and my doctor has given me a medical cert stating that I am "unable to attend .....gym".

I have rang the gym to tell them that I will be forwarding the cert and they told that it is not possible to cancel membership, only to freeze it. My terms and conditions read:
b) All contracts durations are for consecutive months. An exception will be allowed to put Member’s membership on hold without penalty in the event of the Member presenting a doctors notice of physical inability to continue using the service. No portion of this agreement is refundable after three working days from the date of signing.
Basically what is the difference between freezing it and canceling it. My problems with my knees will be ongoing and the doc has recommended I take up a lower impact activity like swimming. So what is the position here. How long can they freeze it for. If I don't anticipate going back I just want it cancelled.

I imagine that "freezing" it means that you will have to pay out 1 years fees at some stage. If they allow you to cancel it then your 1 year contract no longer applies and they don't get any further money.

Obviously it's in their interest to freeze memberships rather than cancel them.