Can you recommend someone to unlock a DVD player



Hi, I have a panasonic RV20 dvd player which needs to be chipped or modded for multi region access as apparently no hack exists. Can anybody recommend someone in Dublin who can do it at a reasonable price? To protect them in case they don't want their name bandied about you can e-mail me at stephen{at}


region free

I'd say it would be as cheap to buy a new region free player!
Re: region free

@Zig: These guys
list it - although they're charging for the privilege. I'm sure if you do a bit more googling, you will find the hack for free...
Buying new DVD

Podgeandrodge you're probably right about the price of buying a new one. But there is an environmental cost to then disposing of a perfectly good Region 2 player. A too high cost imho.


Re: Buying new DVD

Sell the old one on buyandsell - no environmental cost and offset cost of new player
Re: Buying new DVD

According to [broken link removed] forum, that model can't be hacked, it has to be 'modded'...

Then again, this one mentions a gizmo available on eBay that claims to do it w/o a mod chip. The auction referred to has expired, but a search for 'DVD + region + hack' shows up [broken link removed]. Caveat emptor, an' all that...
Codes for DVDs

I found codes for my DVD player on

Worked perfectly for me - Also removed the macrovision (or whatever) that stops you from taping the dvd. Never tried that to see if it worked. But I play all region DVDs on it.

I think Sony players however have to be chipped.
region free dvd

Power City are advertising a mitsubishi region free dvd player for 59e.
The following has been translated from Russian but I know someone who was in Russia recently and he might be able to help you he usually hangs out in Ryans Sports Bar in Clerihan, Clonmel. I will try and get in touch with him. If you have participated in any of the conversations in this establishment you should be able to understand these instructions.

Well head

Instruction of the user For models Panasonic RV20, Panasonic RV40, Panasonic RV60, Yamaha S -796 Special features multiregion upgrade on PIC controller: The selection of region is produced by pushing of the corresponding knob on the panel DU (Remote Control) DVD of pleyera, when apparatus is located in regime Stand By, i.e., it is switched off. Selected region Digital button Region 1 1 Region 2 2 Region 3 3 Region 4 4 Region 5 5 Region 6 6

Instruction on switching of the regions 1. to include apparatus without the disk by button "Power ON/OFF" (on the panel DU or on pleyere itself). 2. on the display of apparatus will appear the inscription: "NO DISC ' after the appearance of inscription to again turn off apparatus. 3. to harvest on the panel DU the button, which corresponds to the selected region (see the Table) the pause between turning off of apparatus and pushing of knob on the panel must not be more than 1 minute, and pressed button should be not less than 1 s., otherwise region will not be switched. Such limitations are made so that not there would be random switching of the regions (for example, when apparatus is simply switched off). 4. after region is selected, one should again include 5. DVD pleyer by button "Power ON/OFF". Included pleyer should be not later, than 1 min after the selection of region. To establish disk into pleyer - and to look film. To verify what region it is established possible thus: y)Na of front panel to harvest kn. "PAUSE" 2) retaining this button, to harvest "OPEN/CLOSE" 3) retaining both buttons, to harvest kn. "6" on the panel DU - on the display of apparatus will appear information of the type 2 P6 02 6 first number it indicates the number of the region