Can you pay Voluntary prsi in Eu and non EU country at same time.


New Member
I have been paying class S PRSI for a number of years on my rental property. This year I made a loss,
A) Can I pay voluntary PRSI class S for the year of the loss and continue paying next year when I have profits greater than €5,000
B) I am currently paying voluntary National insurance contribution class 2 in the UK based on S class stamp in Ireland. Can I pay voluntary PRSI contributions in both the UK and Ireland for the same year?
(The rules state that you can’t do this in two EU countries but the Uk is no longer in Europe?)
Have a look at Article 12 of the UK-Ireland convention on social security.

IANAL but my reading is that you are entitled to pay voluntarily in both jurisdictions if entitled to.

Otherwise if you declare €5k rental profits this year and pay the €500 Class S PRSI contribution I doubt anyone is going to track you down to repay you!