Can you help me?? Loan/illness benifit



Hi there

I know that it is very late at night but my name is Margaret and I thought I might use this mighty Internet thing for a bit of help with my situation please hang in their with me as I'm not very good at this type of thing.

I am a 54 year old woman with sever arthritis and after working hard for most of my life I had to go quit a job I loved and went on illness benefit about 6 years ago (which is frustrating in itself) my partner John passes away three years ago from a heart attack and after 30 years together there was no widows pension to help me along, he was protestant and I was catholic, and that was one lover argument we could never settle, so we never married.

Things got hard when I discovered he had allot of debt on the side with some very unsavoury characters so being who we were and my life being what it was I used my little nest egg of a life savings to pay things off and set it all to rest.

Then last year I had to move out of our home (which turned out his first cousin inherited) and I moved into a council house.

Right now I have no debt what so ever (as I've never had loans or things like that) and because I spend what money I have beyond my food, rent and electricity on silly things or helping someone out I have no savings.

The council recently moved me into a one bedroom semi detached which suits me very well as its easy to keep with a wet room and I can get around very easily.

My problem is there is a horrible horrible stained and depressing kitchen in it.

I am unsure what the last keeps of the house were like but its absolutely horrible and seeing as the council have deemed it acceptable (though they did comment it was in a very bad state, just not bad enough for them to change) I want to explore the options of getting a small loan.

I live a very quite life so after my weekly spendable I have 60 to “play with” (which I usually spend on my nephews and family, which god love them are having a very hard financial time themselves right now with a recent redundancy and traffic accident) and am hoping to put that on the loan weekly.

I have gotten some good quotes and can get a very decent fitted kitchen in for 2 and a half grand with 500 left over to cover any unexpected costs (or put back onto the loan).

Can anyone help me with this?

Is there any loan opportunities for someone in my financial or personal situation?

I really would be very grateful as not only is this something that is really starting to dishearten me I really would like to make this a home, life is top short to end up bitter with what's happened and losing my home after John rest his good soul, so I would really like to get this done and start having my own place again.

Thank you and I welcome any and all suggestions.

God bless and thank you for reading.

Margaret Collins.
I dont know about these things but should I just try to get a creditic card?
Hi Marg, I am very sorry to hear of the death of your partner and the unfortunate events that lead to your circumstances at the moment. Please do not purchase a kitchen on credit card as the interest rates are very high and given your circumstances at the moment you could end up paying triple the amount back and also bring on some more stress into your life. Could you not listen out maybe for someone who is changing their kitchen and salvage their old one, or maybe just replace the worktop and re-paint the doors to freshen it up. I have in recent times done it to my old kitchen and it looks brand new now. I know you will not be able to do it yourself but do you know anyone handy that may help you out?? I have seen kitchens being ripped out and new ones put in and seriously it is difficult to distinguish the old ones from the new, sometimes the people are only too glad if someone will take it away for them. or maybe some AAM members maybe be in the process of doing it now. Regards, Paddyjnr.
paddyjnr thank you very much for the thoughts - bless you x

I havent really heard of anyone getting rid of a kitchen but I will keep my ear to the ground in case it happens. I wish I knew how to work the digital camera so I could show you all how bad the kitchen is and my confusion as to why the council wont just change it.

Thats enough of me complaining tho

Heres to fresh options and oppertunities!
Hi Margaret. really sorry to hear about your situation. While I am no money expert (theres plenty here who will give good advice though) I think your first port of call should be your local Credit Union. You can explain your circumstances to them in total confidence and they will give you really good advice , based on your circumstances. Hope things work out for you.
is there an optin where the council will upgrade various in the house and add it to the rent no? I definietly heard this somewhere along the way....

might be worth asking the Q though?

Good luck with it Margaret. x
Hello there and thank you all for your kind and helpful replies

I live in Galway country and I've never heard of that about the adding on - any idea where I can find out? Iv tried ringing (which isnt much help god bless them) but it sounds like a very good way to go about things.

Thank you all so much as this has lifted so much annoyance from me.

God bless.

Hi Margerat, I have found something here [broken link removed] regarding your query.
You could email them as well and explain your situation.
This is the email address
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I am shocked to read that you have had to move out of a home you shared with your partner for 30 years and even more apalled that the person who inherited the home obviously went ahead and took ownership of it despite your situation-how do some people sleep at night? How was the inheritance awared, was there a will or did it go through probate? If your partner left the property to his cousin through a will there is not really that much that you can do however if it his cousin inherited it as next of kin in the absence of a will you may be able to get some form of relief through Equity law. Have you taken legal advice before on this issue or made any attempt to hold onto the home which was taken from you? If not I highly recommend you contact your local Citizens Advise Bureau to discuss your case and any potential legal action you may be able to take. The Equity courts are looking much more favourably on cohabitees these days and if you can prove you lived with you partner for 30 years and contributed towards the household I should think you would have a strong case.
Very best of luck