Can you have line rental and bb with 2 different companies


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I am with esat with line rental and bb but changing to smart, but have to go to eircom first before I can go to smart madness but that is the only way.I dont want down time on bb, so can I keep bb with esat and go to eircom for line rental and phone calls.I dont to sign contract with eircom for bb as I want to switch immeditely to smart after I sign up for eircom. But there will be a 3 week period or so before the switch from eircom to smart takes place .So main Q is can I have bb with esat and line rental with eircom thanks
Per the BT website you can have standalone BB or combined BB & line rental.

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It isnt possible as far as I know. You will have downtime on your broadband for sure not sure how long for as it can be a slow process
You could always try for €19 p.m. with no fixed contract period during the switch. You might be lucky and unlike many actually get something better than dial-up speeds. If not you can always just sent it back.