can you haggle when buying car on finance??

was just wondering what the protocol is on above?



In fact the salesman will prefer finance as opposed to cash, because of the commission. Either way he still gets his cash in one lump sum.
If this is car finance via the car company, would you not find it cheaper in a bank or credit union?
I have friends who have worked in main dealers, they could often sell cars at a loss once the finance was sold through the garage, that was based on commission earned from the finance company, these days are now long gone but you should always negotiate hard, it is expected, regardless of how you finance, have you so much money you can afford to pay sticker price...

So how much under sticker price do your friends say someone should pay for a car ?
It did not work as easy as that, there are variables, how much is the car standing the garage, does the garage want to turn it quickly or wait for the right buyer / trade in, how much finance is being obtained, what term etc, it is up to the buyer to negotiate hard, it happened when dealers received a commission for signing up finance with different finance companies, I can't say if this practice is continuing but I doubt it.