Can you get from Heuston to Connolly station in 30 mins?


Registered User
Calling all Dubs. Advice urgently needed. Himself is travelling to Dublin tomorrow. Arriving Heuston at 10.20a.m. He needs to get a train from Connolly Station which leaves at 11.00a.m. Question 1: Will he make his connection in Connolly? Question 2: What is the fastest way to get from one station to the other? Luas? Taxi?
Luas should take about 15 minutes. Some of the platforms are quite far away from the Luas and it will take 5- 10 minutes to get to Luas stop,assuming the train arrives on time at 10.20.

There is a Luas service every eight minutes to Connolly.
I would say taxi to be safe esp. because of the distance of some of the platforms. You should make it.
Get a taxi as there is a bus lane all the way down the quays now. Should have no problem.
Thanks to all for your replies. Himself has decided to get up an hour earlier and arrive in Dublin at 9.20 and avoid the stress of tearing around a city that he's not familiar with. Thanks again.