Can you drive a C1 on a B license


Registered User
I was just wondering as I heard it before that if you had a full B license before a certain year that you could drive a C1 vehicle .
Whatever your licence shows, that's what you're authorised to drive. There are no "hidden extras".
Did you have C1 on a previous licence and allow it to lapse ?

If this is the case, and it's within 10 years, you can have it added back onto your licence.
OP might be thinking of irregularities around the amnesty years.

I know I guy who is authorised to drive a few things that he can't actually drive.
There is a thread about it on someone mentionned that holder of b licence before 1997 are entitled to a C1 licence. You should contact it for more details
Was looking at my Driving Licence. I have four classes allowed. Opposite 2 of the classes under 'Restrictions/Information' column '101' is written.

Anyone know what this means? Thanks.
Code 101 means that renewal of that category is subject to the submission of a valid medical report.
In the past, licence holders were automatically given C1 class along with their B licence. This is no longer the case and now requires a medical from GP, which is why many people have not bothered renewing their C1 licence.

In other cases, some people don't tick the box for the C1 licence and therefore it is not given (still requires a medical however).

However, if you had C1 on your licence within the past 10 years, you can re-apply with the medical cert and have it re-instated.

However, there is still a loophole in the system, whereby you can obtain a C1 licence without going back to basics.
I'd be interested in finding out about that too please!