Can you cook a pudding in the microwave?

Henny Penny

Registered User
I am currently making some Christmas puds ... in the process of steaming them in the oven. I was just wondering whether it is possible to cook them in the microwave instead? Has anyone tried this ... does it work? How did you do it?
Alternativly has anyone used one of the vegetable steamer thingys to cook a pudding ... would this work?

Thanks ... getting in the Christmassy mood


Maybe this should have been posted in Letting off steam???? :)
I can't see how it wouldn't work - I've heard of people doing it and apparently it saves hugely on electricity and doesn't heat up your kitchen to the same extent as doing it on the hob. but - I always find when heating something up like apple pie in the oven it never tastes as nice as one heated in an oven - gets a bit dried out - could be just me though is a great place for answering questions like that -
You should get plenty of replies from there at this time of year!
I'm sure you could use a steamer as long as you kept it topped up with water. As for the microwave I wouldn't use the microwave beacuse it would cook the pudding too quickly and you'd end up with something resembling rubber. You would usually steam a pudding for up to 10 hours so it does necessiate a slow cooking process. You can however do it in the oven. To do this you put the pudding in a deep tray which you fill well below the top of the pudding bowl. You then use tin foil to completely seal the tray over the bowl. This method is a lot easier and creates a lot less steam in your kitchen.
You can but I did it one year and it was very different from the boiled one. It did not taste very well and much was drier. I know boiling takes a long time but its worth it.