Can you apply for a loan from a number of banks at the same time?

You can apply to as many as you like. Its best that you do this so as you can compare the cost of the loan in each place.
Look at banks differently. They are just selling you products just like any other shop. I's your money your spending so shop around to get best value, like you would about anything you want to buy.

Your the Customer not the banks...

Go so far as to tell the banks your shopping around to ensure you get the best offer.

Ask them to drop things like document fees ( save €60 approx)
free banking etc .

You are in charge till you decide ...

good luck
It can look bad if you apply to more than one place at the same time - you leave a "footprint" on your record with each application for finance as the institution will contact the ICB for your credit history. If they see numerous applications at or around the same time they could think you are desperate for money and therefore a higher risk