Can we have no more threads about public sector pay


Registered User
Whatever future savings can be achieved in the delivery of the public services, I don't think anyone can sit there this evening and say that every single public sector worker has not taken a big hit in their living standards in the interests of this Country.
The next threads will be started by Public Servant letting off steam.

True. To be fair, I wouldn't begrudge them it. The steps had to be taken but it is still a very harsh budget for them. Going to avoid going home to my see my public sector family members for a while! Might bring them home a cheap bottle of whiskey!
True. To be fair, I wouldn't begrudge them it. The steps had to be taken but it is still a very harsh budget for them. Going to avoid going home to my see my public sector family members for a while! Might bring them home a cheap bottle of whiskey!
As you say Public Sector workers are understandably angry !
This I feel will result in a demotivated , demoralised workforce who will be totally at odds with their employer , always a recipe for disaster.
I feel that we will see a huge increase in sick leave and an absolute refusal on the part of teachers in particular to do any extra curricular work such as supervising games or holding parent teacher meetings outside school hours .
Any reform in the Public Sector is surely now aspirational as well.
Further Industrial action must also be on the cards.
I feel that we will see a huge increase in sick leave
Will this be from genuinely poorer health? - there was another thread which assured us that unwarranted sick leave was not tolerated in the public sector.
an absolute refusal on the part of teachers in particular to do any extra curricular work such as supervising games or holding parent teacher meetings outside school hours .
My daughter's school already holds PT meeting school hours - giving the girls afternoons off.
Any reform in the Public Sector is surely now aspirational as well.
It's either reform or further pay cuts. I also thought that all this reform was promised in exchange for the last round of benchmarking?
I dont think we'll be seeing too many public servants on this forum in future months. They'll all either be working second jobs to make up for the income loss or will be signing on the dole because its not financially worthwhile for them to work anymore.
Will this be from genuinely poorer health? - there was another thread which assured us that unwarranted sick leave was not tolerated in the public sector.


Remember that the middle level management were hit with 10% reduction in the spring and have now been hit with another 8%. They've taken the biggest hit and will be the least motivated.
Any reform in the Public Sector is surely now aspirational as well.

Perhaps the government will realise they can take on the unions , and "reform" will be done in the in the ways it's done in un-unionised jobs.
While there are genuine hardship cases in all sectors, private, public, and social welfare recipients I can't help but believe that a lot of people could minimise the hurt by cutting out 40 fags a week, or 4 pints a week or maybe even making a lunch at home and bringing it to work a few days a week and forget your 11 o clock cappucino. Cut out newspapers two days a week or more. Also as regards petrol consumption make your littlle brats walk to football practice. They will eat whats put on the table then.
Perhaps the government will realise they can take on the unions , and "reform" will be done in the in the ways it's done in un-unionised jobs.
You are right of course , they have taken on the unions.
We have however yet to see if the unions will take on the Government !
Are half of all public sector people on more than €30K?
Remember that the middle level management were hit with 10% reduction in the spring and have now been hit with another 8%. They've taken the biggest hit and will be the least motivated.

Sorry Dude but its the clerical staff who are really taking the hit here! A higher rate tax payer like me won't loose approx 7% of net pay. However many clerical officers (mostly female I might add) don't pay any tax at all because they don't earn enough (job sharers on 15 to 20K a year) so the 5% will be more or less off the bottom line for them. Given the cost of child care, for some it probably makes more sense to give up working now - thats a shameful position for the Government to put them in!

But have you not just created another unnecessary one?

Are you saying the only time public servants are here is when they are working?

I agree.

Thanks Yorrick. I already bring my lunch in 5 days a week, only buy a newspaper on Saturday and freeze all my leftovers to do for another meal. I also don't smoke. I hope there won't be any more threads on public sector pay but people have been screaming for PS cuts for months so why suddenly say 'oh dear, this must be really hard. Let's stop it now'. Why didn't you do it last month or even last week?
I don't smoke don't go out have a ten year old car shop in lidl don't mostly only drive to work or to visit my family. Just been looking at where we can save money. We rent a dvd the odd week so going to cut that. Already bringing lunches don't buy papers don't have a gym membership that we can cancel. Petrol costs in going to work will go up can't save there. We don't have savings so we can't cut that. Might be a possibility to cut childcare costs slightly with negotiation. On the other hand we won't starve just hoping european central bank don't increase interest rate as we are on a tracker. Think we might be close to qualifying to gp visit card unless the threshold has changed? Things will be tough and we'll have to watch every penny but it wouldn't be a recession without that! Roll on my next increment!
people have been screaming for PS cuts for months so why suddenly say 'oh dear, this must be really hard. Let's stop it now'. Why didn't you do it last month or even last week?
Don't want to state the obvious, but people can stop screaming for PS pay cuts now because pay cuts have happened. 'even last week' we were still in the middle of the unpaid leave fiasco.


I guess some would see your postie as a rant.

Not I

I dont have a paid job to go to anymore and doubt I ever will again. I would love to export myself to an ex-UK colony ( Canada, Aus, NZ ? ) but am way to old to be acceptable even though I have experience and qualifications longer than my arm.

Newspapers for me are read in the public library ( This country will be heading towards reality when queueing systems are used for newspaper access in libraries )

Grocery choices are based on Lidl / Aldi specials & RFQS stuff

Internet access ( E10/month - go work it out for yourself ) is the next item for review on the budget ( am reluctant to do this as it also gives me free local calls as well as free calls to friends in UK, Switzerland & Austria at no additional cost )

Despite the above, quality of life seems to me to be better than 30 years ago.

So far as I am concerned the biggest danger is that 'climate change' will be reversed and we will go back to the winters of the 1940's & '50s. If that were to happen few except the very well off would last to see 70. ( This, of course, would sort out the pension problem and make the Greenies feel good at the same time )

