In 2009, I put my business up for sale with a business estate agent. The selling price they quoted was far more than I had expected (or got) and I signed up with them on sole selling - with a verbal agreement to review after six months. In the three years he had it he never sent me one prospective buyer, and told me to stop calling him after I had called about three times on a monthly basis for a update on progress.
In October 2011 I told a member of my staff I was selling and she wanted to buy it. I wrote to the agent and told them I was withdrawing from using them as I was selling to a member of my staff. I heard nothing further until late 2012 = some nine months after completing the sale stating they had 'found out' I had sold the business and I had not contacted them. I sent a copy of the letter I had sent to them originally. They then wrote and told me they wanted the 3% of the original selling price which was some £60,000 more than the price I had sold it for. I refused, the upshot is they are taking me to the county court. We did have mediation, but their idea of mediation was for me to send them over £4000 pounds and I did not have it - plus they did absolutely nothing proactively to sell my business. Can anyone tell me if they have the right to charge me anything?