Can one get out of a mobile phone contract (coverage poor)

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A family member has a new phone contract and her mobile reception is shocking.

Can she get out of the recently signed 12 months contract sighting 'Poor Coverage' (It really is beyond pathetic).

Help appreciated.

What does it say in the contract about service levels? If the company is letting her down, it may have breached its side off the contract.

Then again, it's a mobile phone. You can't base the coverage on one location (i.e. your house), methinks. There are blackspots everywhere.
I think you'll find that most contracts include something along the lines of 'While every reasonable effort will be made... [yada, yada, yada] we cannot guarantee [yada, yada, yada]'.

She should complain in writing, detailing the extent of the problem and asking to be released from the contract. She may have to return the handset, if (as is usually the case) it cost very little to buy with a contract.
Was discussing this recently with a friend who is an engineer for a mobile phone company. Apparently if a user is unable to use the phone due to bad coverage the phone company can monitor the frequency of 'dropped' calls and if this is deemed to be an ongoing area coverage problem it enables the user to break out of the contract. This applies to the network he is with but I am unsure if all networks apply this policy. It is worth checking it out with the network.