Can my solicitor increase his fees from the original quoted figure? - HELP


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I bought a house just before Christmas and I have now to pay my solicitors bill.

I told the receptionist what I was originally quoted (quote included everything) the amount she had was €380 extra from what I was originally quoted by the solicitor. She then asked me if I had it in writing which I take it means that if I dont then they can charge me the extra €380 if I dont have any proof of the original quote?

I only got the quote by phone. Did not realise that I should have gotten it in writing.

Do I have to pay the extra money?
There are three aspects to any bill of costs.

1. Fee.
2. Vat @21%
3. Outlays.

You should have received what is called a Section 68 letter from your solicitor at the start of your dealings. This should have set out at least in broad terms what the bottom line payment would be. I am surprised that the solicitor did not seek payment on or before closing - that would be the norm.

Ask for an itemised bill and see where the extra €380.00 comes in. Query it by all means but clarify the situation first. It may be outlays or VAT.

Thanks for the reply. I received nothing in writing from them at all and yes I was surprised that I did not have to pay them on closing. I spoke to the solicitor and he said that he wrote down the figure that he quoted me over the phone and said that the figure I had would not have been given by him.

I should have got him to confirm it in writing. You live and learn I guess.