Can I stop my BoI mortgage being sold to a vulture


Registered User
My BOI loan has been sold to MARS, due to transfer 13 September .
Is there any leeway to stop this happening ?
I am in a complex situation , large historical arrears capitalised , paying full monthly repayments since 2016.
Currently on a fixed rate 3% due to end in 2 yrs.
My home,one income, 18 yrs to maturation .
Bought in 2006 for 525k , still owe a shed load .Should i start a seperate thread on this?
I really need good advice ,
No, you can't stop it happening.

Not sure why BoI has sold it though if you are paying the full monthly repayments.

What happened when the arrears were capitalised? What form of restructure did they do to collect the capitalised arrears?
