Can I say this?


Registered User
I know everything's a mess and bleak and depressing and woeful, but...but I'm actually kind of enjoying this in a way.

Not in an enjoying the downfall of FF, enjoying the ride, it's sort of invigorating. For anyone one twitter, last night and this evening showed just how great social media can be and it was as intense and entertaining as a great movie.

Maybe it's delerium until the budget hits, but is anyone else finding a new (guilty) sense of vigour with this mess?
My name is thedaras and Im enjoying the downfall of FF...that would be fianna fall then.
I was reminded the other day that "they can't take you outside and shoot you" by a friend living in a country where they can.

Also, I expect to have 5,000 posts on AAM by year end. :cool:
but is anyone else finding a new (guilty) sense of vigour with this mess?

Yes ,Yes, its exciting. Its like the dread kids feel when they go on a ghost train into a dark tunnel :eek: