Can I put hot air press in new bathroom??


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I have an old bungalow that has the hot air press.immersion, with door openinh onto hallway. My idea was to brick up door, convert bedroom next to hot air press, then cut into hot air press from new bathroom and put in 2 louvre type doors, give me one less door in hallway and longer shelves in hgot air but my builder says not a good idea to have press in bathroom because of steam. There are ony 2 of us and my wife's thinks its a great idea.

Will it work or will I regret it?

Bathroom mainly used for showering and the odd bath.

That's the way it is in my ex-corpo semi and my parents bungalow, no problems with steam. You'd be better off with a solid door though to increase the effectiveness of the hot-press.
I have only once seen an domestic airing cupboard/ hotpress with louvred doors. They don't work, as the louvred doors don't allow the heat to build up to a sufficient level to actually air the clothes i.e. the heat dissipates too quickly into the adjoing room/ circulation space. Solid doors work best, remember a hot press should be used to "air" clothes that are already pretty dry and is not a "drying" room as such. Even with a solid door there will be sufficient air gaps around the door etc to allow moisture vapour to escape.
I recall seeing a guy from the ESB of the telly many years ago telling us hoy to cut down on usage. He was talking about over insulating your hot water tank and he said that it would be more efficient to lag the tank well and put an electric heater in the press than to lag it badly or not at all so that it would dry the clothes. Keep it well lagged and the door well sealed. I have seen more "Hot Presses" in the bathroom than I have had hot dinners so why should there be a problem with that.
You should check out, with an electrician, if the switch for hot water tank must be located outside the bathroom. I think this is the case.