Can I put a gas hob above a washing machine


Registered User
In the workspace that currently exists above a washing machine in the kitchen, can I put a gas hob there? I know that an electric hob would be a No-No, but what about a gas hob? There is a small electrical element to a gas hob (just for ignition) - would that make the whole idea unworkable?
Why would a gas hob be a no no ?????
I know of no electrical regulation why a electric hob could not be fitted and I am an electrician for more rhan 20 years.
Why would a gas hob be a no no ?????
I know of no electrical regulation why a electric hob could not be fitted and I am an electrician for more rhan 20 years.
That's great news. I had been told (by an electrician) that it was wrong to put an electric hob above a washing machine (water and electricity so close?). So that was why I decided to go with a gas hob. I have looked at gas hobs in the shops, and there is a cable with plug attached to them (presumably just for the purpose of ignition) and I just wanted to be sure that it was ok to put that hob above the washing machine. If you know of no reason why I couldn't put either hob above a washing machine, then that's great news. Thanks.
Don't you have to sink any hob into a worktop? Will there be enuf room to do this considering most washing machines go right up to the height of the worktop?
Dont you put the kettle by the sink ??
ie water + electricity by the sink.
Actually I don't, but I take your point.
Suellen, I think there should be enough room, but I'll have to look more closely at hobs in the shops. If the w.machine comes up to the underside of the worktop and the hob is designed (hopefully) to sink into the worktop (and only that, ie nothing hanging) then it should be ok. I'll obviously need to measure before purchasing anything, but my basic worry was about putting a hob above a w.machine, and that now seems to be ok. Thanks everybody.