Can I insist on having car fixed at garage of my choice?


Registered User
Not sure if this should be here or in the Law section. My car was damaged recently and other party is offering to repair, but at a garage of their choice. Can I insist on having it done locally at a garage of my choice? I would need replacement car while being repaired.
You don't know that garage chosen by the other party would do a good enough job; the other party does not know that the garage of your choice will do a cheap enough job.

The only way forward that I can see (without the trouble and cost of legal action) is a discussion where both parties are somewhat open-minded. I would suggest that you offer to get more than one quote, and that you check out the reputation of the garage proposed by the other party.

totally agree, but also think that the level/quality of work be agreed and reviewed when carried out.
Thanks for your replies. I am still unclear as to my position. If the other party takes responsibility can I insist on a garage that I am happy with. I don't mind getting other quotes but in the end of the day can I insist, after all I am the wronged party. I know I can claim through my insurance and let them follow his insurance company but he doesn't want this either. My car is not usable until I can get it fixed so I need to to sort it soon.
Thanks for your replies. I am still unclear as to my position. If the other party takes responsibility can I insist on a garage that I am happy with...

It's still think it's a negotiation matter. I think you can insist on using some garage that you are happy with, but not limit it to one particular garage. Similarly, the other party should not be entitled to limit your choices to one particular garage. If you can't move beyond your having one preference each, then you might need to go the legal route, involving costs, bother, and (most unwelcome to you, I think) delay.
You can use whatever garage you want. If he gets overly awkward, put it through his insurance. If the quote is excessive, the insurance company may query it.
You can go to whichever autobody repair you so choose. I had a recent incident and went to one that insurance companies generally do alot of work with... Id suggest that if the person is playing silly beggars at this early stage - just go through the insurance.
Hi , I agree totally with Seagull
You can use whatever garage you want. If he gets overly awkward, put it through his insurance. If the quote is excessive, the insurance company may query it.

The other party wants the job done as cheaply as possible ( human nature) which probably means less than you would like.

You are entitled to have the car, as near as possible, restored to its previous condition and remember that when you go to sell later , the damage ,to a trained eye, will still be impossible to hide
I work in insurance claims. you are entitled to go to any garage that you want to, and I would if I was you. If it goes through the other parties insurance then depending on how much it is they may send out an assessor or pass it by an in house assessor. Usually with most insurance companies if the estimate is below approx €1500 then the claims handler can pass this themselves. By the way you dont have to produce an invoice(ie you have no obligation to actually repair your car). Do not be bullied by the other party
My car is not usable until I can get it fixed so I need to to sort it soon.

If the other is 100% at fault, go through insurance company. It should not impact your NCD nor cost your anything. Your NCD may be protected anyway, and you may be entitled to courtesy car.
Ring the responsible party and give them the choice of 2 main dealers and 2 crash repair shops used by insurance companies. Demand an immediate decision, or else you will add car rental separately. This is as reasonable as you need to be. As someone else said, if they continue demanding that you go through their choice of repair shop, just have the repair done through their insurance.